Prepping Your Home in the Winter for a Spring Market

The housing market often slows down a little during the winter months and spikes back up in the spring, and this is almost solely based on the fact that not many people want to move in the cold and snowy winter season. That being said; that makes now the peak time to get your home prepped and ready so you can have a seamless listing process in the spring. Below are a few things I recommend doing in the winter before to prep for listing.

Finishing any renovations

I’m guilty of this: starting off a project or renovation and leaving it on the back burner for too long because I just don’t have the time or energy to focus on it. There comes a time when these things should get finished up, and that time is now. If you’re planning on selling in the spring, you should start a list of all the renovations you need to either start or complete. I personally feel like it helps to get the bigger things done and out of the way first because it really triggers my motivation and makes other projects seem much easier to accomplish.


An inexpensive yet highly effective way to elevate a space and get it ready to sell is simply to paint the walls. The right paint colour can really impress home buyers and make it move in ready for them. Colours that look fresh, clean, and neutral make it effortless to decorate with and make is easy to pair with any furniture style that they already have. A home that needs some paint could seem like too much work to some buyers which makes it a great reason for you to do it before you sell. My favourite local paint store is Barrydowne Paint, here’s the link to their website which you can order straight to your home!

Decluttering and organizing your home

When your home is on the market, everything is on full display. People will open your closets and walk through every room of the house, so we want it to be in its best light. Before we list your home, I usually suggest a good declutter anywhere that might need it and to try your best to organize what you can. Spaces that tend to be a catch all are usually what need the most of your attention, like garages, closets, or living spaces, but every home is different. I highly recommend starting your spring cleaning in the winter so it becomes less overwhelming come spring and you can do it at your own pace. Start with one space at a time and do what you feel is important. This way, when it comes to listing, you won’t have to worry about reorganizing the whole house in a short time period, you’ll have it all ready to go. Pro tip: Call your agent and have them book the teams Stager to come in and give you all the guidance you need!

Being mindful of your spring landscape

The first photo people see when searching for homes is the front of the house. Once winter comes to an end, and the warmer weather arrives, the snow starts to melt and it can create an unwanted scene. Keeping this in mind, before taking photos for your listing, I would highly recommend beginning your outdoor spring cleaning as soon as the snow begins to melt. This would include trimming hedges, cleaning up perineal gardens, and keeping your driveway and walkways clean from salt and sand when ice and snow are gone. The more well kept it all looks, the better it’ll be for advertising and the easier it’ll be to catch a buyers eye for good reasons.

Connecting with an agent for market updates

The moment you’re thinking about selling your home, you should consider contacting your agent. They’ll be able to tell you what the most important things for you to focus on during your prep and renovations are. What you might think is important versus what they might believe home buyers are looking for in a home could be slightly different and they could give you some great input on what needs to be done. Our highly knowledgeable agents have a great understanding on the needs of their clients, and if you are willing to put in some elbow work before selling, it could be really profitable for you in the end.

Talk to your mortgage advisor

When you plan on selling and in turn need to buy, you’ll need to get in contact with your mortgage specialist. It is helpful for you to see what interest rates are like and to find out what you can be approved for in a mortgage. Then you can be prepared when you start shopping around for your next home. It never hurts to inquire ahead of time.

I hope you found value in these tips and they help you in your home buying and selling journey. We strive in giving a better experience to all of our clients. Have a great day!

– Chanel Mathieu, your home prep specialist.

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