The Many Benefits Of Staging Your Home Before You Sell

There are many things people do to make their homes more appealing to home buyers. That can include renovating or clearing the house completely of any existing furnishings. The most valuable thing you can do before listing is to have it professionally staged. The good thing about staging is that it can be as simple or as extensive as you’d like or need it to be! Here are some reasons why staging might benefit your home:

Staged Photos Attract Buyers

Getting potential clients in your home to view it is very important, and that’s where we come in. It’s no secret that having beautifully staged photos of a home will catch the eye of buyers as well as agents. Agents are also more likely to share well-staged, clean-looking homes they discover on the market to their searching clients. Getting your home photographed in its best light will maximize the traffic going to your home, and in turn, you’ll get more offers.

Envisioning Life in Your Home

When you’re selling your home, you need to present it with a vision of what life could be like there. When there’s too much clutter or too many personal items in a space, it could make it difficult for people to envision themselves there. When you have well-placed decor and furniture, people have an easier time picturing it as their own.  Keeping a house nice and tidy lets buyers freely look at everything the house has to offer. The end goal is to sell your home with a vision of what life could be like there and create an emotional attachment so that nothing else will compare.

Staged Homes Sell Much Faster

According to, a home will spend 30% to 50% less time on the market than its unstaged competitors. This makes a lot of sense, as a staged home will catch the eyes of buyers simply by presenting itself in the best way possible. Staging gets those buyers in quickly which typically leads to a faster sale.

Selling at a Higher Price

It’s no secret that a more beautiful home can pull a higher price point. Another study by the Real Estate Staging Association concluded that 85% of staged homes will sell at 5% to 25% over asking. If you had 2 very comparable homes and one was perfectly staged with professionally taken photos and the other wasn’t staged at all and had basic cell phone photos, it tends to seem like a much better house for the price it’s at. This will cause it to easily go over asking or at least go for a lot more than its competitors. Staging makes a huge impact on its outcome when it comes to selling and at what price it’ll go for.

Homes Appear Move In Ready

Whether your home needs a little TLC or is move-in ready, when it’s fully staged with furnishings and decor, it’ll seem more readily available for buyers. If your home has too many personal items like family photos or your kid’s sports schedule out for everyone to see, buyers tend to focus more on whose home they are in rather than the beauty of the home itself. Clearing your home of personal belongings allows buyers to feel comfortable in your home while they view it without feeling like they are intruding. A staged home allows buyers to feel an attachment to the beauty of the home and gives the feeling of readiness as though buyers could move in tomorrow.

I hope these reasons help guide you in your home-selling journey!

– Chanel Mathieu, your home prep specialist.

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